Friday, August 19, 2011

It's time for school, and I'm going out with a bang.

Lately I've been dreading the thought of school. With my father passing people aren't to fond of me, not that I want to be around people right now, I'm slightly moody and little things set me into a tizy, or an outburst of tears, which is never pretty. On a higher note, to keep me busy and to say I actually did something this summer I've been crafting and trying my hand at some lovely feather earrings. I know I know I'm following the crowd, but hey they're pretty most the time. Here's a little list of what I've been up to, Infinity scarf, Fascinators galor, Fabric bows, Feather earrings, Making Yo-Yos, Re-Hemming my favorite staple skirt for school, Drooling over new heels, Lovely "doll shoes", Finally getting my permit Woot Woot!, and last reading my book for AP English "Glass Castle". And here's a little view of it all,

Thursday, August 11, 2011

You know it's summer when

You don't care that you look horrible, from washing the dogs and you got out to eat right afterwards. Then the next day sharing two extra large  BBQ pizzas with your boyfriend and laying around all day watching episodes of lost, and old movies. When three a.m. is no surprise to you, four a.m. is yawn-ish and five your conked out on the floor. Oh and the best not realizing what day it is or the last time you ate something healthy and that the sunburn is peeling, yuck!

Om nom nom, craving blue berries at one a.m.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Well to fail misarably with my kitty

This little blog this is failing yet again, but it's not necessarily my fault. My father passed away last week and internet and people have been last on my mind. But i have my trusty side kick, Tiger lily. Who is Tiger lily you may ask. Well Tiger lily is my cat, I am a cat lady. She is my best friend, from talking back to me or biting my head when I'm screaming and crying she's the best. My lovely friend is a Calico King Rex mix, with cute little tufts on her ears. Her favorite things to eat are, popcorn, yogurt, fruit of any kind, and last but not least sticking her head in peoples cups and drinking their drinks when they aren't looking. Little rascal.

 "Mom stop taking pictures of me it' weird" <3

 These have nothing to do with this post, but hey aren't I lucky to have such a lovely mother who finds my favorite flowers, and tells my boyfriend to give them to me, from him on the day when I want to eat his brains.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hello blog world, is any one listening?

I have finally decided to pay attention to this little thing I made last summer. The intentions were to blog about school, make up, crafts and just life in general, and quite frankly I think I failed horribly at it. So in other words here's my second attempt at this and I'm hoping it will be come a regular thing with a few readers.
 A little about me, My name is Sabrena I am a junior in high school, with high hopes of becoming a teacher. I adore turtles, penguins, and moose. And my cat Tigerlily can always be found at my side. Whats your name?