Thursday, July 15, 2010

What, whales and reading?

So, lately I've been thinking about school a-lot lately. I can't wait for it to start, just to see people, and this year I signed up to be on the news paper so I'm hoping that gets me out and about more.

But the summer reading list for AP classes is kind of lame, the first book im reading now called "Farenheit 451"by Ray Bradbury, is a-little on the odd side but its okay. The other three books I have to read are about aztecs, and lost civilizations, im pretty sure. Or i could be off in left field but oh well, one book at a time.

One of my favorite parts of getting ready for this next year is making stuff, that's right. I'm liking the fact that i could wear this black skirt i got for my birthday last year to school with a pair of tights and be A okay. So i have this magical idea i'm going to make mine, instead of spending 3 weeks hunting for something that fits all the requirements. And I found a little video of a skirt that is extremely cute that i can make and do it in several ways :D

And there's one other thing I'm prolly going to be making for school
I saw this and fell in love!
(photo from Mod cloth:D)

But since they are out of stock and the inside of the bag is quite small, i'm going to make my own :D
and here's my tiny attempt and seeing how i should draw my pattern not the best but i wanted to see how it would work, out and i just cut two sides and hand sewed them together and got bored with markers (teehee)